Some of my photos #1

Copyright and registered content Photos may be used unless for commercial use Please quote the author " Heal a tree " Jardim dos moinhos de Santana (Santana Mills Public Garden), Restelo, Lisbon, Portugal February 2013 ___________________________________________________________________________ " Look at the green umbrella " City detail at Praça do Chile, Lisbon, Portugal January 2013 ___________________________________________________________________________ " Punishment " City detail at Beco do Chão Salgado, Belém, Lisbon, Portugal February 2013 __________________________________________________________________ " The dark unknown " Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (northern view), Belém, Lisbon, Portugal January 2013 __________________________________________________________________ " Eye on the future " Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (building detail), Belém, Lisbon, Portugal Janu...